21 Things You Can Negotiate (That Aren’t All Money)

Negotiating can be an extremely intimidating process! Whether it’s the fear of losing the deal completely, a lack of self-confidence, or you simply cringe at the thought of it, most of us would rather stay away from the confrontation that comes along with negotiation. Yikes, just the thought of it can send your heart into full-on flutter mode. Our aversion to negotiating may be due to the fact that many of us think that money is always involved, and money talk can definitely be awkward. 😬

The reality is that negotiations come in all shapes and forms, and there are many other things that you can negotiate about that don’t include money. I get it - we all need money in the bank and a higher salary (or better deal) is always great, but I want to challenge you to think outside of the box. Aren’t there other things that could be just as beneficial to you that don’t revolve around the number on the checks?

The magic of negotiation comes into play when you get creative with what you want - and when you realize that time, experiences, benefits, and perks can sometimes be worth a lot more than money. This approach also makes the negotiation process feel a lot less awkward, as it provides you with an outcome you love without you having to directly ask for more money or a better deal.


During the hiring process, you can sometimes negotiate who will train you, your team, and your on-going support structure – perhaps even ask for an intern or assistant. You could also ask for a mentorship relationship – e.g., spending extra time with your boss, getting to attend higher-level meetings, shadowing, and learning new skills on-the-job.

You can also use this approach when contracting a service provider. Think about the factors that can affect the outcome of the service you’re requesting - if you’ve done some research on the team, you can negotiate who your main contact is and choose the person with the most experience or personality that you relate closest to. You may want to negotiate who becomes your on-going support/point of contact after installation to make sure you’re taken care of and questions are answered promptly. This saves you the time and frustration of having to call into the 1-800 number and go through the standard support channels. 

2.  TIME

We’ve all heard the saying “time is money” ⏰

When you’re working out any kind of agreement that revolves around how and where you spend your time, remember to include things like work hours, flex-time, or a telecommuting/work-from-home arrangement. As a consumer, consider agreeing in advance to be a regular consumer during off-peak times. This allows the company to maintain manageable client services and better plan for a steady workflow. The same goes with hotel deals or travel services – there’s more room for negotiation during off-peak times and offering reliable income during the quieter times can be a huge benefit to them while providing you with a lower price point.


Negotiating the price of something can extend further than just knocking down the base price. You could also ask if they could extend the sale price past the advertised date or time – perhaps because you weren’t able to get to the shop in time or maybe they didn’t have what you wanted in stock during the sale period? 

If your company already does business in multiple currencies, consider offering to pay in a currency that has a higher international value and can save the seller from having to lose on conversion rates - they’ll be happy to offer you a lower overall price if you’re saving them the headache of additional transfers and conversions. 


Take a look at what’s included with the delivery. Can you negotiate the timing, the method, the personnel or perhaps even a haul-away service? Can you get free delivery if you’ve purchased goods over a certain cost? For example, if you’re getting new furniture delivered, take a look back at off-peak times and see if you can get a discount on the delivery fee if you accept it during a slower time saving you both time and money. 🚛


Everybody loves a discount, right? We’ve all got an inner discount diva in us! You never know when there might be a veteran discount, return client discount, first-time buyer discount, referral discount or perhaps a special holiday discount. Don’t be shy to ask – there’s always a chance for a discount!


Different payment methods incur different fees – whether it be cash, wire transfer, credit card or up-front payments. In many instances, if you are paying up-front or in cash, there’s room for getting a better deal. And if you are negotiating for a job, then also consider how they are going to pay you. If it’s via third-party organizations, like PayPal, then you need to factor those fees into your quote.


Similar to payment methods, you can also negotiate a payment schedule – immediate, 15-day, monthly payments or a down payment. What works best for you? To most sellers, money is money so they’ll be happy to work with you on the timeframe as long as it works within their budget as well. 


Can you trade products or services? For example, if you’re a hotelier, you can trade hotel rooms for creating a new payment processing software. Or trade experiences for reviews or publicity. Or perhaps trade web development services or copywriting services. Trade exchanges need to be a win-win situation where both parties get something worthwhile out of the deal.


Negotiating training? Remember to discuss factors such as whether the training is going to be live/on-site or a recording. What else is included in the training – e.g., ongoing support and manuals?


Can you push for an extended warranty? Doing so could make paying that little bit extra worthwhile, especially when it comes to buying a new car. It’s a case of peace of mind for longer vs. saving a small amount in the present. Think long-term! 📜


While they don’t always seem like much, included bonuses/extras can make a deal so much sweeter. Try including things like credit towards an on-site restaurant/spa when negotiating a hotel price, floor mats and roof rack for a new car or 30 days of ongoing phone support when negotiating with a service provider. A high-quality bonus is something that is low-cost to the provider, but high-value for the recipient. 


Offer discounts in exchange for using a client as a regular reference for new business or perhaps for them bringing potential clients for walk-throughs. 


Think about who they know that may be your ideal customer and ask if can you get an introduction. Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth and good references!


Offer an incentive for leaving testimonials on surveys or reviews on social media - great reviews are often the deciding factor for new buyers. Take a look at your clients who are naturally your biggest cheerleaders - the ones who take the time to write you a nice email and let you know how much they enjoyed working with you. Give them a discount on their next order in exchange for their public review and it will come back tenfold! 🎉


Play around with scheduling appointments + meetings – you may want to skip the line and be the first delivery, revisit the idea of getting services during off-peak times, or if you’re planning an evening event, you could consider holding it during lunch instead when the vendors are already in the office.


When buying a new car, get creative with your price negotiations. Perhaps get a less popular color for a better deal or newer model. Throw out options and see what the salesperson grabs! 💛💚💙🧡


Remember the legal side of deals - long term contracts vs month-to-month. How can you make it work for you?


Offer exclusivity for better rates. For example, offer a catering company exclusive business on all drop-off business, full-service event business and all on-site company catering. This type of deal benefits both parties, offers steady income and allows the service provider to master the facility, team, wants and needs.


Offer preferred vendors (that you know are good), give names of the easiest person/company for you to work with so that it’s easier for everyone.


Offer using your website and social media channels to promote each other’s businesses and events. Spreading the word is always a good thing! 🔥


As long as your company allows it, look out for personal perks that you can squeeze in. If you know someone that you’re working with owns a beach house or perhaps does a lot of work in Hawaii, include it in the deal! Ask to go with them after the deal is done. You might as well get a free holiday out of this! 

The best way to figure out these types of negotiating tools is to get to know the person you’re working with. The more that you get talking, the more hints they’ll drop into conversation that you can use to see where their interests and benefits are. 

The bottom line: If there’s anything you want that could make a difference to your situation…ask for it!

Propose a deal that’s fair, reasonable, and will ultimately benefit both parties, and you’ve got a win-win situation. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for more. If it matters to you, then it’s always worth taking the risk and asking. Getting that “yes” answer might just be a lot less scary than you think - and it could open a conversation that unlocks all kids of unexpected opportunities.

It’s time to negotiate — good luck! And remember, you deserve so much more than you think you do! ⚡️

Was there ever a time you wish you’d asked for more than what you ended up getting? Can you think of anything outside-the-box that your company would be willing to negotiate on? Let’s discuss! 👇👇

Rachel Davis Humphries

Since 2016, I’ve provided elevated brand and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs from my studio here in Charlotte, North Carolina. My mission is to breathe new life into your brand using my years of experience and intimate knowledge of the online service space, and then to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to quickly, easily, and affordably maintain it as your business continues to grow.


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