3 Questions to Help You Re-Define Productivity During Chaos
If you’re anything like me, I bet you LOVE feeling productive. You crush goals from dawn to dusk, revel in a feeling of accomplishment all day long, and you’re known for being a high performer and getting things done. 💪 However, in times of crisis, every day can feel like a struggle, no matter how accustomed we are to checking off lists and conquering goals.
Over the past few years, I’ve had days and sometimes a week or 2 where I’ve struggled just to deal with my mounting inbox or to find the energy to return a call from someone I love. 😖 Especially when it comes to the holidays - times I should be focused on family and friends.
I mean - have you ever tried to relax, only to wish you were more productive at relaxing?! I get it - I’ve been there, too!
While chaos and our ever-mounting to-do list is definitely distracting, it doesn’t have to control us. Which is why I want to examine the definition of productivity in the BC (#beforecorona) and re-define it for the days and weeks ahead.
Productivity is usually measured in terms of output - completing as many tasks as possible in as little time as we can: getting tons of things done, going lots of places, interacting with different people, and never sitting down. We’ve collectively measured productivity as being BUSY AF. While this is definitely one way to go about it, there’s another, less frequently used, but much more needed way to define productivity :
Productivity - measured by looking at the QUALITY of what we create and who we’re being while we create it.
In order to redefine productivity for myself, I spent some time asking and answering a series of important questions, and now I want to break those questions down so that you can do the same and get back to feeling like the super productive badass you are.
1. What do I need to live?
Right now, we’re all explorers venturing off into the new world. Our ship is heading toward an open sea of the unknown, and we need to be sure that we have the essentials needed to survive. Start by asking yourself:
Do I have enough nutritious food? You know what I’m talking about here - fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and good carbs. Be sure to treat yo self every now and then too with whatever your favorite indulgence may be.
Am I drinking enough water? 💧 Don’t forget - it’s scientifically proven that drinking an adequate amount of water every day is essential for brain function. Sadly, we cannot sustain on espresso and margaritas alone. Trust me, I’ve tried.
What am I doing to care for my body? Remember - a body in motion stays in motion. Physical activities such as dog-walking, jogging, cycling, pushups, and even yard work will keep your body strong and sharp, and you’ll nurture the awesome feeling of accomplishment that high performers like us thrive on.
2. What do I need to be safe and emotionally healthy?
I recently came across a quote by Bruce Schneider:
“Security is not a product, but a process.”
This made me think about how we often think of safety as a specific destination that we can eventually arrive at. Like we could steer this ship towards safety island, and once we’re there, we can finally relax - but spoiler alert, the island is full of wild animals which will have to protect ourselves from… and we’ll never relax!
But as the quote wisely points out, safety is created by many pieces of our lives working together to support our overall stability. Some questions to ask include:
Am I paying my vital bills for housing and utilities? Budgeting can be unsexy, but having food and home insecurity is down right terrifying. Do a quick audit of your budget to ensure you’re paying vital bills first and the fun stuff second. Divorce’s #1 cause is money issues, too, so if you’re got a partner, don’t let this be a rough spot in your family life! BTW - Many utility companies have agreed not to disconnect service during this time. If you need to make billing arrangements to keep your financial obligations in order, then get on the phone and do it!
Am I listening to my thoughts and feelings or ignoring and running away from them? True safety comes from addressing the thoughts and feelings that may make us uncomfortable. If 4 years of therapy bills have taught me anything, it’s that my emotions are valid and ignoring them won’t erase them from my mind or heart. True safety comes from acknowledging these feelings and taking the right steps to properly address them. Many health insurance providers are now offering online counseling and virtual mental health resources for FREE, so put them to good use!
Am I interacting with other successful people? Yes, social distancing is important right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still interact with friends, family and colleagues. Virtual hangouts are big right now, and they’re a great way to give yourself the social interaction you need to feel complete. Additionally, find positive and optimistic professionals who are succeeding during this time and keep up with them. When you run with a winning crowd, you’ll start winning too. Don’t hesitate to do it virtually!
3. What do I need to be happy?
As I was preparing for my burnout healing TEDx talk in 2019, I spent days digging up as much research as I could from the past 20 years on happiness. Often an overlooked subject of “serious” research, there was one study out of the University of California that proved what I’ve experienced and know to be true in my work life:
Happy people are more successful.
So let’s talk about it because your happiness does impact your productivity. Happy people attract good things and share good things. This is why it’s your job and no one else’s (FYI - your spouse is not a mind reader), to carve out happiness wherever you can find it - not just in these crazy days, but every day. 🌞
Again, let’s take a look at the QUALITY of our happiness rather than the output related to it.
You don’t have to check off everything on your list to find happiness. Nor do you have to own the largest house on the block or live a lifestyle that would make the Joneses (or Kardashians) envious.
Take a look around, and think about what you have right now that makes you happy: the smell of an old book, dancing to your favorite song in the kitchen, seeing your dog’s tail wag as you come around the corner. Whatever happiness may be for you, it’s waiting out there for you to see it, get joy from it, and be made better by it.
Do you know what makes you happy? And have you prioritized it lately? Stayed grateful and aware of it in your life?
Productivity can make you feel good - but the big truth of life is that if you’re happy, safe and healthy, then being productive is easier than ever. Without taking care of yourself? Well, get ready for sluggish days, vacations that don’t rejuvenate and the hamster wheel feeling that could lead you to burnout.
As we all navigate these open waters together, make sure to keep these 3 primary questions in the forefront of your mind to help steady yourself, for yourself, and everyone around you. The world needs you more than ever - and you’ll enjoy how 💕
Have any of these questions helped you re-frame your thinking on productivity? How has your daily happiness been affected by the COVID Quarantine? 👇👇