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I’ve built multi-million dollar sales teams, created sought-after courses and worked for titans of the industry across the world. Today, I motivate and educate high-performers so they can level up their success, increase their impact, and live a life they love.

THE LATEST POSTS on the blog

Happiness Rachel Davis Humphries Happiness Rachel Davis Humphries

3 Questions to Help You Re-Define Productivity During Chaos

If you’re anything like me, I bet you LOVE feeling productive. You crush goals from dawn to dusk, revel in a feeling of accomplishment all day long, and you’re known for being a high performer and getting things done. 💪 However, in times of crisis, every day can feel like a struggle, no matter how accustomed we are to checking off lists and conquering goals.

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Happiness Rachel Sheerin Happiness Rachel Sheerin

If It Doesn't Scare You, The Dream Isn't Big Enough

Lately I've gotten a lot of private messages and questions about how I started my biz, speaking, etc and I think I've narrowed it down to these 3 things. I don't have all the answers, but I figured sharing some of these may help someone out there. Do you have any guiding advice for folks looking for a new business or career change?

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Happiness Rachel Sheerin Happiness Rachel Sheerin

A Note on Sharing Your Light & Joy with the World

Today, I board a plane for New Orleans for my first talk of 2018 and my 25th talk of my career - a career in public speaking that I always dreamed of but was too scared to admit was what I wanted to do, fearful of the critics who would roll their eyes and say it wasn't a "real job". They can pound sand, I don't care and I know different than them.

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